Motivating Engagement Recognizing Individual Talent
To provide a place where ALL individuals, regardless of life status are nurtured, motivated, and provided an opportunity to recognize their individual talents and worth.
To create an atmosphere of love and acceptance for all who interact through MERIT: team members, volunteers, individuals receiving services, family members, etc., so this place will be known as a haven of encouragement, where all are motivated to utilize their talents to the best of their ability. By creating this place, we envision a future society of individuals recognizing their individual gifts and talents and using them to create a synergistic community where all people know their MERIT and share it generously with others.
Acceptance: Receiving all people for their worth as humans.
Compassion: Compassion values human dignity at all stages in the cycle of life.
Encouragement: We are a team committed to providing support, confidence and hope to all.
Integrity: Being a team of honest individuals with the highest standards of moral character.
Creativity: Tapping the brilliance within ourselves and our community to generate ideas that will continually improve everyone in the face of all that might challenge us.
Several years ago, the seed was planted in the hearts of several individuals in Franklin Parish to create a “place” where serving the needs of the community could be met. Sheriff Kevin Cobb, working with the Franklin Parish School Board, was developing a program of tutoring, physical fitness and social-emotional support for youth in our school system. The Brandon Kirk Sims Foundation and local volunteers began a program for food deprived students in Franklin Parish called CHOW-FRANKLIN, providing non-perishable food items for needy students on the weekends. In addition to this program, the Foundation was developing a program to provide adults with developmental disabilities, living at home, a place for socialization, vocational instruction and finding a sense of purpose. Local leaders with the Children’s Coalition for Northeast Louisiana worked to bring Little Free Libraries to the Parish and the Born Learning Trail to Davis Park and were planning for parent education offerings. The Winnsboro Main Street Economic Committee worked with the Town of Winnsboro on a 5-year strategic plan for the betterment of Franklin Parish. The needs discussed above were captured and the realization that the goals of the various organizations may best be met by joining forces and creating one “place” to potentially meet so many needs in the Franklin Parish community.
Then the Coronavirus pandemic hit and put a hold on much of the work being done to further these projects.
In the late summer of 2021 preliminary meetings were held, led by Sheriff Kevin Cobb, to move forward with organizing, planning and initiating the goal of a place and program to serve so many in our community. All involved were in agreement that this program would be a positive environment to meet the needs of all individuals, those receiving services, as well as those working and volunteering to provide the services. An atmosphere of acceptance and love, recognizing each individual as worthy was a common goal. With this theme in mind, the name MERIT was chosen. As stated above, MERIT is an acronym for Motivating Engagement – Recognizing Individual Talent. This name embodies our mission and vision and values. We endeavor to create a Motivating place where positivity and encouragement abound. We will Engage individuals for true interaction and self realization for all served. We want to Recognize, everyday, that all Individuals are unique and have their own special Talents. ALL have something to contribute in this world and at MERIT, we want to give everyone an opportunity to discover their gifts and talents and share them with others.
In the fall of 2021, the purchase of the “Big Blue Building” was secured through private donations and grant funding. Renovations in the spring of 2022 allowed for the first program offerings to launch in the summer of 2022. This is a grassroots effort, initiated and administered by local individuals, seeking to serve and better our local Franklin Parish Community. By loving and serving others we will all become better. As we pay it forward, we endeavor to reap the rewards of individuals who have been served by MERIT, returning to Franklin Parish to continue the legacy of service of others!