

Our news

  • Finding your place in the professional world

    Do you feel like you don’t belong at your current job? If the answer is yes, you’re not alone. According to a Gallup study, this has become a worldwide issue. The study shows that only 13% of employees worldwide are engaged at their jobs.


  • How to survive a career mishap

    Every professional has been guilty of making a mistake. Small mishaps are easier to overlook, such as a typo in a document or a formatting error in a spreadsheet. Other mistakes are harder to fix, such as accidentally sharing confidential information with the wrong client or realizing you did the math on your department’s yearly…


November 17, 2017

Every professional has been guilty of making a mistake. Small mishaps are easier to overlook, such as a typo in a document or a formatting error in a spreadsheet. Other mistakes are harder to fix, such as accidentally sharing confidential information with the wrong client or realizing you did the math on your department’s yearly budget incorrectly and it’s already in use.

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